Maybe you’ve heard the rumors? That Hemp Oil has anti-aging properties, or perhaps that hemp-based products are great for skin health. Or maybe, you’re skeptical. Could a skin care ingredient really help that much? You probably have a lot of questions, so let us break down the benefits of adding hemp oil to your skin care routine.
What does hemp do for your skin?
Hemp oil is harvested from the seeds of cannabis sativa plant. It is safe, legal, and has no psychoactive component. It is similar to other oils used in skincare products like olive or coconut oil. However, hemp has been found to have higher levels of omega-6 and
omega-3 fatty acids, which are non-comedogenic, (meaning it doesn’t clog your pores), and acts as a moisturizer and skin soother.
What’s the difference between hemp and CBD?
Hemp oil is made from the hemp seed, while cannabidiol (CBD) is extracted from hemp flowers and leaves. Hemp oil itself contains no CBD. Your body also processes hemp and CBD differently. Hemp is processed in the brain, so when applied to the skin, you’re applying a powerful moisturizer, whereas CBD bonds to the body’s natural endocannabinoid receptors, which affect oil levels in the skin.
Is Hemp Oil Anti-Aging?
Jury’s still out. What we do know, is that according to a hemp oil was shown to help strengthen the skin, making it more resistant to bacteria, viruses and other infections. It may also help protect against signs of aging, like fine lines and wrinkles due to these firming affects.
Ready to give Hemp a try? Check out our step by step hemp skincare routine for hydrated, soothed skin.
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